Business Soul Reading


Get clarity & inspiration on all things creative & spiritual business.

From programs and marketing to energetics and liberating blockages.

A soul reading to fully align to the spirit of your business.

You bring your questions and I answer them all. Soul-led creative inspiration and guidance.

During a session we can also heal what stands in the way to your next level. Be that show-stopping magnetic leader in your own unique field.

The path of your soul is the most abundant way 

My background

Certified Relationship, sexuality & systemic coach | 2021 | De Upstarter

Energy Healer Training | 2020 | Jeffrey Allan

The Art of Energy Healing | 2020 | James Saphire

Accredited Heal Your Inner Child Training | 2020 | Dr Karen E Wells

Womb Healing Course | 2020 | Ashley Reed

Human Centered Design | 2019 | De Upstarter

Certified Holistisch Coach | 2018 | De Upstarter

Creative Business | 2018 | Saxion Hogeschool Enschede

300 hrs Vinyasa Flow Yoga Teacher Training | 2015 | Radiantly Alive

Theatre School | 2013 - 2019 | Kottenpark