online program to fully liberate your female foundation


She is the mirror of your identity.

She shows you your relationship to receiving, creativity and to how you experience relationships. She shows you how you carry being a women and where your ancestors kept silent or stayed hidden.

She is everything. She is nothing. Connected to death and rebirth, she is the Picses of the starsigns: the beginning and the end.

She is the place where you feel your connection to the earth, the planets and your cyclical nature. Where you give birth to what longs to be created through you, and only you.

She is like a spider weaving you through the web of life, guiding you deeply to your soul’s desires.

Collectively we are healing our wombs. Many women’s foundations are still build on the heritage of sexual and emotional abuse.

Internalised sexual abuse can manifest as feeling disgust, not being fully in your body, unworthiness, not enjoying or feeling free in your sexual expressions making our womb and pussies unsafe places to embody. To be. To be loved.

Your womb and pussy are your foundation to a life fully lived. Being fully alive and present in your core is key to building the life & businesses you love. You can not build a castle on a rocky foundation.

This program helps you land safely in your bodies foundation and liberate your sexual life force.

For the mothers, the self-healers, the guides, the teachers & the artists.

The women who want to deeply root into their Feminine oracle.

Do you long to

  • deepen your feminine wisdom & open your body portal to deeper feeling & wisdom?

  • Liberate ancestral trauma that’s blocking your free expression?

  • Reclaim your original blueprint of innocence and power?

  • Give birth to your creations, babies and business from a grounded and loving place?

  • Surrender and receive a lot more of life’s goodness. Be that vessel for money, love and abundance to come home through?

  • Invite a more balanced masculine and feminine energy to move through the world with?

  • You are ready to deepen the relationship with the medicine woman inside yourself?

Your womb liberation starts here.

Tap into your feminine wisdom, womb power and liberate your sexual life force.
Get ready to make fully love to life.

You will liberate..

The Alchemist

  • - Reclaim your original innocence blueprint by healing imprints in your system installed from even from before you were born.

  • - Liberate your womb from ancestral imprints that keep you from fully owning your power, confidence and worth.

  • - Deeply root into the ancient wisdom of your ancestors.

The Mother

  • - Cut energetic chords & clear your womb space from everything that is not serving her.

  • - Restore your original womb boundaries and watch unwanted energy bounce out of your life.

  • - Heal layers of feminine core wounds: the witch wound & the mother wound

  • - For those this applies to: Heal miscarriages, abortion and energetic residue of giving-birth experiences so your womb becomes a clearer channel.

  • - For those this applies to: liberate your motherhood desires and open up to conscious conceiving ways.

The Lover

  • - Clear energy of old lovers and sexual partners from your womb space to create space in your womb for more love you ever thought possible

  • - Liberate your sexual energy & pleasure

  • - Clear wounded relationship patterns & memories from your Womb so she feels more wholesome

  • - Restore the balance of your Feminine & Masculine creative energy in your ovaries and womb so you create in a balanced state

  • - Become a magnet for healthy love & relationships.

The Oracle

  • - Heal the imprints that keep you from creating your deepest desires.

  • - Meet your own body oracle ways

  • - Channel your soul, womb & pussy voice.

  • - Attune to your own natural healing abilities.

  • - Root your healing ways deeper in your system

  • - Practical ways to integrate all this knew knowledge and embodiment in your life.

  • " I am reconnected with my feminine life force again."

    Linda | Feng Shui Specialist

  • “ This was the deepest session I ever had with you, even though it was an online session. It made so much impact. This was exactly what my womb wanted and needed. I am so beyond grateful for it.”

    "This was exactly what my womb wanted and needed. I am so beyond grateful for it.”

    Mariette Ruggenberg | Relationship Coach & entrepreneur

Over 200+ woman have already walked this path with you

This is your future

  • You reclaimed sovereignty over your womb.

  • You are connected to your source of healing, creativity, pleasure, wisdom and intuitive powers.

  • You feel comfortable and at home with dual aspects of yourself.

  • You experience a wholesome space in your womb to receive your creative projects and babies.

  • You are deeply in touch with your creative sexual life force and feminine self.

  • You have stronger and clearer boundaries in your work, relationships and life.

  • You’ve transformed your relationship with your womanhood & how you relate to masculine energy.

  • You are deeply tuned in to your feminine oracle.

  • You create a whole new reality where cycles of generational trauma ends with you.

This is for you if…

  • You long to get into a deep love story with your sexuality, your womb and ancestral wisdom.

  • You are here for the opening by experience.

  • You’ve done trainings and courses on energy work, spirituality and healing. Now you long for more embodied depth and grounding.

  • You want to reclaim your landscape of innocence and heal patterns that where created even before you where born.

  • You are in the pre-conception phase wanting to prepare your womb or after you’ve given birth to move through what has come up for you.

  • You long to heal your womb fully.

  • You want to open yourself up to receive all the creative life juice there is for you.

This is not for you…

  • If you are currently pregnant. Doing womb healing is not recommended cause your whole system is focused on holding and growing a baby instead of releasing and healing.

  • You want to learn a lot of new knowledge and not implement it.

  • If you do not want to experience deep healing and show up for yourself to change your life for the better.

The pillars of this journey


Healing & energy activations

Embodiment practises

Your investment

The full course

Pay in full

€ 222,-

Fully liberate your womb power

  • 8 life transforming online healings of 60 minutes. Calibrating you to your fullest expression.

  • Trance journeys to meet your own deep rooted womb wisdom.

  • Embodiment practices, pleasure practices, journal promts, creative assignments and more

  • Life long acces and the opening to follow your own pace.

    Yes, I am in!

The full course

Payment Plan

2 x € 115,-

Fully liberate your sexual life force

  • 8 life transforming online healings of 60+ minutes. Calibrating you to your fullest expression.

  • Trance journeys to meet your own deep rooted womb wisdom.

  • Embodiment practices, pleasure practices, journal promts, creative assignments and more.

  • Life long acces and the opening to follow your own pace.

Yes, I like to pay in drops

What you will receive

Trance journeys to meet your own deep rooted womb wisdom

Community and Facebook support

Journal prompts and creative assignments to fully open you to your deepest wisdom.

8 beautiful online healings

My prayer for you is that you lead from your womb & heart wide open.

That your service to the world is an offering of love and play.

That you create from both your light and dark power.

You feel held in your feminine expressions.

You give birth to what lights up your soul.

Conceive your children and projects connected to your roots.

That you ground so deep into your own voice & body that you are always at home.

That the power of your ancestors swirls through your hips.

This is the space I open for you.


  • You join a vortex of rapid healing and liberation. We come together on Facebook for questions and sharing our journeys. You also get life-long acces to an online portal where you can do exercises and receive the healings.

  • You receive life long acces.

  • I work straight from source. So my work can be intense and world shifting if thats what you need. It can also be very liberating and light. It is always attuned to your system and where you are in your life. You can trust that when you feel attracted to join, you will receive nothing you can’t handle.

  • I know 100% that this healing journey will shift a lot for you. If you join and you don’t like it, or it’s not for you. You can let me know within 14 days and you get a full refund.

  • If you set aside 1,5 hours per week you are good. It will be a little less time intensive, but some weeks practices and creative journeys can take a bit more time, then other weeks. So this is to give you a good estimation.

  • Yes woman. You will receive an invoice with tax.

  • This is a self-paced course you can join anytime you hear the call.

  • Yes. You can pay in 4 instalments.


In 2014 I became pregnant. Unexpected. More unexpected was my choice to have an abortion. Raised as a Jehova Witness, this was not something I ever saw myself doing.

Not having my baby and healing myself before becoming a mother, felt like the most loving decision I could make. I didn’t want my baby to be born into the pain I was born into.

My baby gave me the deepest initiation I ever had. It was the perfect storm. I became depressed for years. The portal was opened to heal my upbringing and ancestral pain. I started to heal the narcissistic abuse I was brought up in and move trough sexual trauma that rose to the surface.

And I did. And like a true wounded healer I learned everything I could find. I studied systemic constellation work, voice dialogue, energy healing, the akashic records, body work, hypnotherapy and I read all about trauma.

And 4 years ago I got initiated in the power of the womb. This changed everything. I found the missing piece I was looking for. It rooted me deeply. I got to heal imprints from even before I was born. I started to learn and embody everything I could find about the womb. The work I did with myself and clients gained more depth. It went straight from source to source. I since then have the honour to help so many women liberate their womb power.

In these 4 years I healed the relationship with my mother. She went from not understanding why I was still talking about pain in my past to thanking me for the work I’ve done for my family.

I healed the depression and my wombpain. I started singing from my womb and birthing songs. My psychic powers became also stronger than ever before.

I’ve read a lot of esoteric books about the womb. And that’s not what this quest is about. I am not teaching anything found outside of yourself. This is an initiation to meet yourself deeper in your body and become all of you.

This course is about reclaiming your landscape of innocence. Heal what is restricting your sexual life fore so we can open ourselves up to more love, creativity, truth and magic, more than we ever thought possible.

Join now Call of the Womb

Join now Call of the Womb

Your womb is your oracle.
Your Holy Grail.
She leads to your wisest ways and greatest creative power.

She knows and she will ask you to shed all the layers you hold onto that no longer serve your truth. She is your landscape of innocence and grounded love.

— Soraya Amber