For the creatives, artists,

leaders and healers

who are here to

fully express

their soul mission

Unleash the breath-taking

expression of your soul

Let's be frank here.

You are not for everyone.

You see, feel and know a lot more than most people.

You contain multitudes.

Most programs, coaching or people you work with just don't feel like they can hold the fulness of who you are.

Some are to much focussed on outer succes, 
some are to masculine wanting you to thrive on doing all the time
and some have no compassion for the deepness of life you meet.

You crave a place where your succes is celebrated but where you also can bring in every dark, dusty, inexpressible part of yourself. 

And I know, you have a hang of doing it alone.
It just feels a tiny bit safer cause most people don't get you.

Oh, and one more thing.

I know, you know that everything you desire is to be is the fullest expression of you.

There is this everlasting wave in you who craves: more joy, pleasure, ease, flow, truth, love and who wants to leave nothing unexpressed.

You came here so that you can create what only you can create
cause you have a mission to be part of a whole new paradigm of love and deep connection.

This is mentorship helps you to tap into your feminine expression & the fullness of your expression

You will receive deep guidance, activation and healing to liberate the embodiment of your full expression in art, business and womanhood.

The way you do one thing is the way you do everything, so this mentorship is liberation on every level.

This is a 3 or 6 months mentorship with full support
you receive:

  • Monthly business/ life reading (60 min)

  • A bi-weekly online 1:1 session (1,5 - 2,5 hours)

  • Ongoing support on Voxer during the workweeks

  • Deep healing and activation to the fullest expression you can be.

  • A photoshoot with me in the Netherlands (with pictures & film for your business, art or just for you)

Investment: 3000,- euro (ex VAT/BTW).

* I also have a few spots available for those who have a smaller budget. So if you feel a full yess but can not commit to the full investment being asked. Apply for one of those spots by telling me why you feel the call.

This is why you want to work with me

▽ You want to deeply embody the feminine way to hold clients, create art and offers.

▽ You want to liberate your own unique expression of you and heal distortions in these energies.

▽ You want to open up to deeper levels of abundance in all areas in your life

▽ You want to deeply open up to create a life, the art/business in alignment with your soul and passion.

▽ You want to lead with magnetism and radiance

▽ You want to fully align to your soul’s expressions of joy, passion, creativity and love.

I am reconnected with my feminine life energy again

"I dare to show myself more freely without fear of other people's judgment or my own. The womb pain has been soothed and I feel complete peace and acceptance."

"She immediately creates a very safe and familiar field. Like no other, she immediately tunes in to you and guides you to the actual blockages."

-Linda | Feng Shui Specialist

"A woman fully present in her body & radical free in her self-expression is the embodiment of love".

Through my work we empower your gifts, your natural abundance, your authentic voice and sexual magnetism.

Together you release what holds you back to fully be that show-stopping magnetic leader that fully expresses herself. Her soul and her woman.

My healing is very instant healing from source. I work on multiple levels. We tune into the wisdom of your body, your emotional body, your mind and soul.

I am a big nerd. I have studied systemic constellation work, hypnotherapy, womb work, inner child healing, holistic coaching, yoga therapy, akashic record reading and voice-liberation techniques.

This led me to tapping in to my own way of healing with energy, my voice and a lot of grounded knowledge of psychology and body-based healing.

My field is a field of real liberation and exponential growth.

Working with Soraya 1:1 is the best gift I ever gave myself.

- Viola

What my clients say

My background

Certified Relationship, sexuality & Systemic coach | 2021 | De Upstarter

Energy Healer Training | 2020 | Jeffrey Allan

The Art of Energy Healing | 2020 | James Saphire

Accredited Heal Your Inner Child Training | 2020 | Dr Karen E Wells

Womb Healing Course | 2020 | Ashley Reed

Human Centered Design | 2019 | De Upstarter

Certified Holistisch Coach | 2018 | De Upstarter

Creative Business | 2018 | Saxion Hogeschool Enschede

300 hrs Vinyasa Flow Yoga Teacher Training | 2015 | Radiantly Alive

Theatre School | 2013 - 2019 | Kottenpark